Monday, June 06, 2016


June 6, 2016

By Olivene Godfrey

I am writing this blog on a Sunday afternoon, a spring day, with intervals of much needed rain showers.  I would have liked to be on a kind of holiday but don't feel too chipper today.

I am going to have Tam make me an appointment with my eye doctor in the morning.  For several days, I have had trouble with reading, especially the morning newspaper.  Today, I am wearing a pair of "drug store" reading glasses which help me read fairly well.  I've had three eye surgeries in the past and should only need a prescription for new lens for my glass frames.  I also need to have my eyes examined for any diseases.

On another subject, which isn't ultra important, I want to tell you about the color of my hair now in my eighties.  No one seems to know what color it is.

When I had my hair cut by Carrie, Tam's daughter, a few days ago, Tam asked her what color she thought my hair was, and she replied, "I don't know".  Looking back over the years my hair has been several colors.  As a young child my pictures show my hair color was a dark shade until I was about six years old then pictures show it was a blonde shade, playing a "Shirley Temple" doll in a school play.

My hair was a blonde shade with a tinge of auburn high lights when I married in 1947.  In my middle age my hair was a dark auburn.  Over the years it has turned to the "mystery shade" it is now.  It isn't completely gray but it is a light shade.

Several times over the years I have used hair color but haven't in many years.  So, since the color grew off it returned to it's normal "mystery shade".

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (Edited and typed by Tam.)


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