Wednesday, April 06, 2016


April 6, 2016

By Olivene Godfrey

When I was a small child, I had a vivid imagination.  My parents took me and my twin sisters to Sunday School each week.  So, I had some knowledge of Jesus Christ and religion in general.  As I look back on that period of my life, I recall that I had some pretty wild "beliefs".  I was fascinated by the description of heaven and hell.  I remember one day asking my mother what "heaven" was like.  She told me her "belief", that heaven was like floating around on puffy clouds in the sky.  I "pondered" that for awhile and one day I told her that I didn't want to float around in the sky on clouds.  I don't think she knew how to reply.  Later, I heard her and my daddy discussing our conversation and finally decided not to discuss the subject again until I was older.

Then, I began to wonder what that scary place called "hell" was like.  I asked my mother one day.  She said she had always believed it would be like a giant lake of "chocolate fudge", like she cooked on a hot stove.  I remember how the hot fudge would bubble up and looked very scary.  I decided at that moment to be a "good little girl".  To this day, I believe down deep inside me that "hell" is like a lake of hot fudge and I don't want to go to that place.  I'd much rather float on a cloud and read a book.  Later, I read about heaven's streets of gold and fine mansions, and I want to spend eternity there with Jesus Christ and the angels.

But, not yet.  I love my earthly home and life with my son, Barry, who is so good to me in my old age.  And I don't want to leave Tam, my wonderful caregiver and personal assistant and dear friend.

For a number of years, I taught a Sunday School kindergarten class at the Chatsworth First United Methodist Church.  The three and four year old students were adorable and a joy to be around and to hear their views on Jesus and their daily life.

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (Edited and typed by Tam.)


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