Monday, June 13, 2016


June 13, 2016

By Olivene Godfrey

This month (June) Tam and I celebrate our 5th anniversary together.  My husband had passed away in 2002, after a long illness (Parkinson) and the following year I started writing this blog.  That helped to lift my spirits but I was still tired and run down from the years of caring for my husband and was needing some part time help.  I wrote about my situation in my blog.  Later, my sister, Jeanette, called me and began praising the woman who had done some work for her, and how pleased she was with her.  So, I set up an appointment to meet and interview this woman named "Tam". (I was thinking she must be saying Pam as I had never before heard the name.  It is short for Tambra.)

The morning of the interview, on a Friday, I greeted Tam for the appointment promptly at the time we had agreed on.  Barring an emergency Tam has always been on time for work, a quality I admire.

When we were seated in the den, there seemed to be a special rapport between us, and we had a good conversation.  I felt sure I wanted to hire her that day.  I told her I needed to talk to Barry and I would call her the next day.  She would work 4 hours per day.  When Barry came home, he listened while I told him about Tam.  He said I needed to hire her as I might never see anyone else like her.  So, the next morning I called and asked her to come in on Monday.  She seemed pleased and when she came to the house, I took her on a tour of our house.

I needed for her to prepare a light lunch for me which she did.  Soon , she came an hour earlier and now is here a full day.  She is not only a caregiver but my personal assistant.  She takes care of so much of my personal business, also taking and making calls for me as I'm hearing impaired.  I fully trust her and we have become dear friends.  She takes me to my doctor appointments and communicates with them on my behalf.

She does some housework for me and took it upon herself to re-arrange the files in my office and has everything efficient now.  She does all my typing and editing as I am not able to type due to arthritis.  Thank you Tam.

Tam's view:  I met Olivene about the same time my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  I was only able to work part time as I was also taking care of mom.  Olivene is the sweetest, most kind and sincere woman I know.  She is so easy to take care of and very appreciative of everything I do.  She is like a mother to me as I have now lost my mom and my dad.  I would be totally lost without her in my life.  Thank you Olivene, I love you dearly.  I pray we have many more years together.

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (Typed and edited by Tam.)


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