Friday, April 04, 2014


April 4, 2014

By Olivene Godfrey

Yesterday (Thursday) I found myself in a hospital bed, being prepped for a blood transfusion.  I had a transfusion a few years ago.  It doesn't hurt but I felt it would never end.  In the days afterward, I felt unusually well.  I was brought a lunch while at the hospital but all I could eat was a bowl of peaches and I drank the iced tea.

The reason I was at the hospital was the result of a massive mix up.  I am anemic and I have my blood checked once a month.  The blood test showed I do need a booster shot.  But, a later test showed my blood was dangerously low and my doctor felt I needed a transfusion.  While I was at the hospital, a nurse took another test to be on the safe side.  The new test showed that I only needed a booster shot, not a transfusion, so I was allowed to go home.  Tam was having to help me in and out of the car and I'm sure it was hard on her.  I'm so fortunate to have her in my life.  We have been together now four years and I thank God for her every day.

Yesterday afternoon when I was back home, I received a phone call from my home health nurse.  She had talked to my doctor and they want me to drink a lot of fluids over the weekend.  Then on Monday, the nurse will draw blood from me for another test.  I'll just be glad when things calm down.  Please remember us in your prayers.

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (As told to Tam)


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