Sunday, June 27, 2010



When this blasted heat wave got underway, I vowed I would not leave my air-conditioned house until it ended. I couldn't have known it would go on and on. But, I'm still not going outside no matter what until the extreme heat cools down. Still, I had a heat-related episode last week even in the comfort of my home which convinced me I needed to take more precautions.

The coolest room in our house is my bedroom and I had been resting during the hottest time of day in there. But, for some insane reason, I decided one day to stay in my recliner and read for a while. The sun streamed through the glass wall and I didn't close the draperies as I thought the plants in front of the big window needed to be there. That was a big mistake.
I began to feel very tired and realized I hadn't drank much water or fluids since I had been in the recliner. Son Barry had filled my water bottle and left a bottle of Gatorade's low calorie drink on the table next to my chair.

Since Barry has had to be out of work so often to take me to doctors, etc..., I called him but just asked him to check on me later in the day. A woman from Home Health came by about two p.m. and told me my therapy was over and my arms and legs are strong now. The nurses will continue to check on me every two weeks. I told the nice lady how I was feeling. She went to the kitchen and made me a sandwich and opened a cup of chocolate pudding and a Coke Zero. She also filled my water bottle. All of the Home Health Care people are so kind and caring.

For a little while I felt better and then I began to have a horrific headache. I thought of how all my vital signs indicate a healthy person. So why the heck did I feel so bad? Maybe I have a mental problem and am only imagining I feel bad.
NO, that wasn't true. Barry continued to stay in touch but he was working in a building that's temp was 94 degree and had about all he could handle. Finally, late in the afternoon, I felt so hot, I became desperate, and somehow made the long walk to my bedroom. I drank some water in my adjoining bathroom and then I went to bed. When Barry came home, he checked on me and helped me to the dining room and then he cooked a quick supper.

Barry took my vital signs and my blood pressure was okay but my pulse was 124. I took my medications and went to bed where I tossed and turned most of the night. My pulse is normal now.
Barry looked up dehydration on the web and I had some of the symptoms of mild dehydration. The info said in people over 50 the body's thirst sensation diminishes and continues with age. Dehydration, along with hyperthermia, results in seniors dying during extreme hot weather. So,I am going to be prepared with water and drinks during this heat wave and hope all of you will, too.

See you next time.


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