Sunday, June 06, 2010



My doc says my gut has a mind of its own and I should have listened to my gut when it told me to cut red meats from my diet. The horrendous IBS attacks on the days after eating a delicious steak or slice of roast beef became more and more painful. Finally, son Barry and I could no longer deny the beef I had loved since I was a child was definitely a "trigger" food before I had the IBS attacks. So, I have given up the beef and, fortunately, I love white chicken and turkey meat and fish and they please my gut, so they will be in my diet for the future.

It's strange but giving up things now that I'm an old lady doesn't really bother me the way it would have when I was young.
The bakery in Ingles Supermarket in Chatsworth has the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever eaten. I had asked Barry to buy a few for my desserts during the week for months now. Barry had never eaten one of them until recently when he reached in our pretty cookie jar and got a cookie. After he ate the cookie, he declared it was the best he'd ever eaten. The cookies are chocked full of especially delicious chocolate chips. Now he buys more of them when he goes to grocery store on weekends.
Being a diabetic, I know I can't eat as many of them as I'd like and so far eating a few has been safe for me

The Home Health Care occupational nurse visited me last week. She inspected our house to see if we needed to add any more safety measures. She gave us an "A" as Barry had taken care of those things when my late husband was sick for several years before his death She will be back next week to bring me a gadget to help me put on my socks which is the hardest thing about getting dressed for me now.

The Home Health regular nurse came last week, too, for a scheduled visit. My vital signs were all perfect as they are most every day on the "smart monitor' that records this info that is sent to the Home Health headquarters. As I've written before, I seem to be doing fine except for the IBS attacks. I have a list of IBS "trigger foods" on my fridge door to remind me to stay away from the culprits.

See you next time.


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