Sunday, April 11, 2010


By Olivene Godfrey

Describing the weather here in North Georgia is difficult. Is it spring or summer? We had days when the temp was near 90 and it seemed like summer. Then, we had a few pleasant days and the record pollen count shot up to 7,000 followed by a down pour of rain which measured two inches in our rain gauge.
The rain lowered the pollen count but it has remained in the thousands. Yellow pollen dust covers everything and people with allergies are suffering.

Some weather experts say the pollen count is so bad because of the cold winter here and the trees are greening and foliage and flowering trees and bushes all burst forth at once. They also say that the pollen count will get worse before it gets better. My allergy has bothered me more today than in a long time. I had not been out of the house but somehow the pollen gets in the house.

Over in England, my friend. Annie, who lived in south Florida for many years and a while back returned to her native country, sent me an e-mail. Annie is an artist who paints, writes and does many things well. She described her country this spring and I want to share a paragraph with you. She writes: Spring has sprung in England. The daffodils are blooming along river banks and along road sides and the grass, now green, is full of wild flowers. I noticed today when I was walking , the Horse Chestnut, Hawthorn and the Weeping Willow are starting to burst forth open casting a faint green color across the country side It is so nice to walk and feel the sun on my face."

It has been four weeks since I had the horrible Vertigo Drop attack and I still suffer at times from the trauma that was so frightening I still have days when I am scared to be alone in the house.

The Home Health Care people are helping me to recover and my vital signs are fine, even my oxygen count is in the 90s and since I have COPD that is amazing. Every morning, I send a report of my vital signs on a machine that monitors it at the Home Health headquarters. I am glad that I appear to be healthy except for my IBS which has been worse than ever lately and nobody in the medical field can help.

See you next time.


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