Tuesday, February 09, 2010


By Olivene Godfrey

Last Friday, I felt bad all day and at 5 P.M. Barry decided to take my temperature. Keep in mind that my temp readings are usually a little low than normal. So, we both were startled when my temp was 100.9. Barry was recovering from an illness going around North Georgia that is sort of a combination of sinus and bronchitis. So, we both thought that was what was wrong with me. I knew from past experiences that if I waited for Monday to seek medical help, I might wind up in the hospital.

My family doctor's office closes at five but I called her office number and got her telephone answering service. Quickly, I told her the situation and the nice lady said my doctor was on call all weekend and she would put me through to her. I thanked her and a few seconds later I was talking to my doctor. I told her about my fever and reminded her of Barry's illness. She asked a few questions and then told me she would call in a prescription for antibiotics to my pharmacy and if I felt worse to call her.Barry went after the prescription and I started feeling better soon. By Sunday night, my fever was gone and I wasn't coughing much.

On Monday morning, I was feeling fine after Barry went to work but soon had an IBS attack. I also felt too weak to walk much. I needed some medicine that was in the kitchen at the other end of our house. I finally called Barry and I know his patience must have been wearing thin. He asked if I could call my neighbor and friend, Genevelyn, and I told him her phone number was on the refrigerator door and I hadn't memorized it yet. So, he made a quick trip home and got the medicine and other things I needed. Later, when I was able to get around the house, I found Genevelyn's name and address on white strips of paper all over the house. They were printed in large bold letters. I have memorized the number now.

We had an appointment later that day with my blood specialist in Calhoun. Somehow, I got dressed and we left a little early. We go to the doc's office for a booster shot for me once a month but I don't see the doctor every time. We had an appointment to see him on that day. He was all smiles as he told me I was responding remarkably well and was no longer anemic. But, I knew that to maintain that level with my type of anemia, I needed the booster shot each month. My late husband had pernicious anemia and had to have a B-12 shot once a month. The doctor said that he wouldn't need to see me for six months when I report at his clinic for the shots. He said I should be feeling great, just as my family doctor told me. She added that I should be dancing all over the place. During the drive home, Barry and I discussed how the doctors don't seem to believe me when I tell them I feel bad. I've had many tests over the years and many indicate that at 82, I am in remarkably good health. It adds to my distress, when I feel the doctor's seem to think it's all in my mind.

See you next time.


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