Monday, February 01, 2010



When I got out of bed last Friday morning, I still felt tired and I asked Barry to make some of his Starbucks coffee while I prepared my breakfast. I drank one cup of the coffee before eating and it was so delicious I drank another cup while I ate my meal. Afterwards, I buzzed around the house, trying to get all of my chores done before Barry and I had appointments with our family doctor at 2:20 P.M. Barry was sick with bronchitis and went to his shop for awhile. Suddenly, about ten A.M. I felt all of my energy drain away. I was frightened so I call Barry. He came home in a short time and we both rested awhile before going to our doctor's office during frigid weather and while it was sleeting and snowing. We told the doctor about my fatigue so she ordered a blood test which showed that I no longer had anemia. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic drug for Barry's bronchitis and he is feeling a lot better already

The results of my recent lab work and tests were fine, the doc said, and she prescribed a strong dosage of Vitamin D. to take twice a day. When we returned home, Barry said he thought my fatigue may have been caused by a a caffeine crash. I thought it might be, too, until Sunday when I had another fatigue spell. I think it may be caused by some of my medicines. I see the doctor again soon.

The research Barry did on muscle weakness and vitamin D is very interesting. Tests have shown that a large percentage of elderly people have decreased their rate of falling. I was especially interested in the personal experiences listed. One said that after taking large dosages of Vitamin D her IBS symptoms had all but disappeared. She said IBS used to rule her life as it does mine. Others said they had no more nightly leg cramps and no more restless leg syndrome which I also have. I pray that vitamin D will heal me.

See you next time.


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