Sunday, January 10, 2010



As I write this, the sun is shining brightly and the temp is up to 30 for the first time in over a week here in Georgia's high country. Fortunately, our electric power hasn't been out and our trusty heat pump has been keeping us warm and cozy during weather in the teens which is rare here. I haven't ventured outside our house since Christmas day which we enjoyed at my sister, Jeanette's home in nearby Dalton. On, Thursday a blanket of light snow covered the frozen ground and farm ponds and icy roads were dangerous. The weather folks say we will have a warm-up trend in a few days which I am looking forward to.

I regret to report that during the holidays,I gained about five pounds. My niece, Charlene, had baked a delectable German chocolate cake and I ate a large piece. Then, Jeanette, who makes the world's best chocolate fudge, gave us a tin for Christmas and I ate more of it than I should have. And, I nibbled on rich holiday delicious foods here all week. I have resolved to lose the five pounds as soon as possible.

I return to the blood doctor's office in Calhoun, Georgia, this coming week for a blood test and another booster shot which I am beginning to need. It has been a month since I had a shot and Barry says I may need to go back to the two-week schedule as I am running out of energy and becoming fatigued again. I am taking the shots to control my anemia and for a while I have a lot of energy after a shot.

Last Saturday night, I watched the TV shows Crook & Chase and The Marty Stewart shows on cable RFD-TV. I knew they were reruns and I had recently seen them before but they were so entertaining I decided to watch them again. Crook & Chase did a tribute to Elvis and Marty Stewart's fast paced show has become a favorite of mine. His wife, country music artist, Connie Smith is a regular on the show and they are a delight to watch together. I related to Lorianne Crook's recollection of seeing Elvis live with her mother and telling her mother he had sang a particular song just for her. Her mother replied that no, he was singing it to her. My late husband, Ralph, and son Barry attended a live Elvis show in Atlanta during his prime and it was the most exciting live performance I have ever seen. And, like Lorianne, I am a still a die-hard Elvis fan.

After I watched the TV shows, I told Barry that I remembered parts of the shows but some parts seemed new to me. I was worried about my scatterbrain condition. Barry reminded me that some nights when I watch television I fall asleep during the shows. That makes me feel better-I think.

See you next time.


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