Tuesday, December 28, 2010



In my last entry, I told you of our Christmas day snowfall. And, now three days later, snow is still on the ground and with bright sunshine is blinding when I look outside this morning. The temp is 16 degrees this morning but a warming trend is on its way with temps forecast in 50s after today.

I also told you that we had a problem with our heat pump and it was running on emergency heat which is very expensive. I was able to talk to our heat and air man yesterday morning and in a short time later, two of his technicians came out and after inspecting and testing heat pump, they gave me the bad news. The compressor is burned out and we need a new one. Fortunately, the heat pump is still under warranty and we won't have to pay for it. They have ordered a new one and I hope it arrives this week. We are still using emergency heat and no telling how much electricity it is costing us.

We weren't able to travel to our family annual Christmas party at the home of my sister, Jeanette, in Dalton on Christmas day. I hope we will be able to visit her in a few days to exchange gifts. Like Barry said, the snow spoiled our holiday plans this year so we weren't jubilant about it.

One of the nice things about Christmas this year was the cards and e-mails we received. I had a phone call from my aunt,
Willodean, who is 94, and the only aunt I have who is still living. My Aunt Helen who was my mother's oldest sister passed away a couple of years ago at the age of 103. My mother was 93 when she died. Willodean was only a kid when I was born and I remember when she took me to a nearby drug store when she and her parents lived in Middle Tennessee and bought me a fountain Coke which thrilled me. I have other childhood memories of her. She still lives in her home and her daughter, Lillian Ann, has an apartment in the house and is her mother's caregiver. Willodean spoke of her appreciation of Lillian Ann's help and I told her the good care Barry takes of me.

Since Thanksgiving, Barry and I have been eating, "high on the hog" as we old timers say,and we've both gained weight. Barry only put on a few pounds but I am just plain fat these days. We have both resolved to stay on our diets and slim down this coming year. I don't eat so much but because of a bout with my inflammation anemia, I haven't had energy to exercise. I have an appointment later this week with the blood doctor in Calhoun to have blood test and hopefully a booster shot.

I wish for you a very Happy New Year.

See you next time.


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