Saturday, November 06, 2010



Since time began there has probably been speculation about what kind of woman is most attractive to men. Over the years we've been led to believe that the beautiful but dumb girl is what men really want. From what I've read and observed, today's young men seem to believe the frosting doesn't necessarily make the cake. These young men seem to think the truly glamorous woman is one who is interested and interesting.

Now, men today, just as their fathers before them, still don't want women who are brighter than them. (at least not one who lets them know she is!) But, they do admire women who are alert, aware, informed about what is going on in the world. Dr. Joyce Brothers, psychologist, says that what a man thinks of as feminine is a girl's warmth, her interest in him. She says that men want a pleasant woman who keeps herself well-groomed and looks reasonably well.

A famous photographer once said that when an attractive model turns into a beauty before the camera it's not her pose, but her attitude that has effected the change, that beauty is an attitude, a quality, presence more than an exquisite arrangement of features. It certainly isn't important to be able to discuss Einstein's theory of relatively to be interesting to the man in your life. Women can learn to be well read on at least one subject that can be discussed, besides children or housework.

Our appearance is important as it reflects our habits, our thoughts, our self-control. But, it's a mistake to place too much importance on looks. Our inner resources are reflected in our faces. Every experience, every emotion, is projected in our faces. Envy and hate will tighten our mouths, narrow our eyes, and help destroy our attractiveness. Women are like snowflakes--there's no two exactly alike in the world. And every woman has her own special brand of appeal. La Bruyere said, "There are no ugly women; there are only women who do not know how to be pretty."

See you next time.


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