Sunday, September 26, 2010



Several years ago, I read of a surgeon who before an operation
would be extremely nervous. Yet, once he stood at the operating table he was amazingly calm. Many of our greatest actors experience acute stage fright before a performance. But, once on stage their nervousness vanishes. Their secret seems to be the power to concentrate their whole beings on the one job they have to do. It's true that many such persons are blessed with a special aptitude. But most of them actually have acquired facility in concentration.

Concentration is essential to effective work. It also adds to the full enjoyment of pleasure. But, today there are many distractions and interruptions. Often work must be done under conditions which make it difficult to concentrate. But, in our specialized world a person's success often depends upon his power to concentrate. The power of concentration comes with practice. I'd imagine most women writers who work at home with small children get plenty of practice. (At least this one did.) But, with persistent effort you find yourself able to concentrate at will upon any activity you select.

I've known persons who have been furious because their accomplishments had been dismissed by some people with, "Oh, things just come easily for you." Maybe such remarks are intended to be complimentary. But. when a person has spent hours studying and working to achieve success he resents the implication that he's "just lucky". Talent can often be confused with achievement. But,one reason some people fall short of their promise is that developing talent is hard work. Most people think of creative persons as dreamy individuals who aren't too concerned with details. But, if they are professionals they never neglect attention to detail.

The professional in any field must make sort of a contract with himself. The terms of the contract read that he must be honest with himself. And, the real pros turn out work that truly represents the best in them.

See you next time.


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