Friday, November 12, 2010



Last week, son Barry gave me exactly what I wanted for Christmas. I mentioned that I wanted an atomic clock with outdoor and inside temperatures like the one he has in his bathroom. So, he ordered a large clock with big numbers from Amazon on the web and a few days ago it arrived. He told me it was my Christmas gift which pleased me. My clock also has a moon phase on it and I love it. We have several atomic clocks and a small weather station in the kitchen. As you may have guessed, we have a weakness for clocks and we're fascinated with the weather.
(We have a rain gauge in the yard.) And we have several clocks in each room so we always know the time.

I had a dental appointment last week for cleaning and a check up. Everything was fine. I reminded Barry when he drove me home that I have an "agreement" with the dental hygienists and dentists at the state of the art dental clinic. All of my front teeth have crowns and some are quite old. The dentists and hygienist have told me that the crowns need to be replaced.
But, considering my age and the expense of replacing all the crowns, they will continue to clean and check on the teeth. And, if my teeth should hurt, God forbid, we will make a decision about them at that time. Barry said, "You should have told them that you come from a long line of women that live very long lives. Your oldest aunt lived to be 103 and your youngest aunt is still living." And, he is correct. I personally plan to live at least ten more years, Lord willing. I would be 93 and if all my crowns go bad before then, I may be a toothless old lady.

When Barry and I went to the blood doctor's clinic in Calhoun, Georgia, recently we met a woman walking on the sidewalk who had a chattering parrot perched on her shoulder. Barry said the woman also had the bird on a leash. That sight reminded me of the old TV show, Beretta. The star of the cop program went around with a tropical bird perched on his shoulder. But, I've never seen anyone before in real life with a bird perched on a shoulder.

An item in USA/Weekend says eating candy can be guiltless if you remember that 100 calories make a sensible snack. For instance, four Hershey chocolate kisses can be a snack and 16 candy corn or one fun size candy bar also count for 100 calories. I snack sometimes with the Hershey kisses and now they also come in dark chocolate which is good for you.

See you next time.


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