Thursday, May 28, 2009


By Olivene Godfrey

Most persons are lovers of familiar things. They love the routine of living, the security of knowing what is going to happen at a certain hour on a certain day. Oh, sometimes they complain that life continues in the same rut. And, perhaps they dream of how things might have been,"IF ONLY".... and even make resolutions to strive for certain goals.

But it's safe and convenient and comfortable in their own groove. And, perhaps they are happier than if they actively pursued a goal because often to get out of a rut involves a certain amount of risk. What is it that inhibits so many of us? Often it's fear of one's own ignorance, fear of the bugaboos we think lurk somewhere, even if we aren't sure where. There are always compromises in life. But it's important to recognize a compromise, to know that you are only being adaptable until the real thing comes along.

Inertia is the danger-- telling ourselves that we really do have what we want, and that we have all that we deserve.
In our country we grow up hearing about freedom of belief without really bothering to think much about what it means.
We are free to disagree with our fellow-citizens and with our leaders. But, how many of us are free to know who we are and to live our lives accordingly? Perhaps you prefer to be a follower, to remain in your familiar routine, not to rock your boat. You prefer to let others make the difficult decisions and you are free to live that kind of life.

It takes some of us a long time to realize we are adults. Our life is our own. It isn't any longer our parents life. We are no longer teenagers trying to be exactly like our peers. We fought for economic and social Interdependence. And as adults sometimes we have to fight for our independence of mind. Freedom is to be an individual with the right to make even the small decisions a precious possession. Of course, we can't be independent of others. We need people to exist. And others inspire us and give us reasons to be better. But, there is danger in becoming too dependant upon others, just as there is danger in keeping another in bondage to us.

No matter how understanding, kind, and tolerant of others may be, for most of us there comes a time when we can't ask,nor expect to receive help. And, we have to stand on our own feet and search for our own beliefs. Two of the most important words for the basis of every action is, "personal responsibility".

See you next time.


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