Tuesday, May 12, 2009


By Olivene Godfrey

Following several years of drought, Northwest Georgia has had rain galore, almost ending our high rain deficit for the year.
And all of the scenery is beautiful now with its greenest green of trees, foliage and lawns and lovely flowers blooming. Barry and I marveled at the beauty when we drove to Dalton recently and compared it to the brownish drought stricken area of this time last year. We hope we'll continue to have normal rainfall the rest of the year.


Son Barry and I had a happy Mother's day last Sunday. We ate a delicious lunch at Western Sizzlin in Dalton and then we shopped for a light weight raincoat for my gift from Barry.
We didn't find what I wanted. But, when we returned home, Barry checked with the Internet's Amazon and found what we had been looking for. Barry ordered the coat with a hood and it should be here n a few days. He is a regular, satisfied Amazon customer.


Barry discovered we had a bad leak on the roof of our front porch. With the assistance of our good friend and neighbor, Genevelyn, we found a roofer who came out and did a good job of patching up the roofs leak. But, he had bad news. The entire roof needs to be replaced before winter arrives. As Barry says,"When you own a house, there is always something that needs repairing." True.


Barry drove us to my primary care doctor's office yesterday afternoon for a mini-check up and to discuss my recent lab work. The lab work was fine except my cholesterol was a little high.
Barry informed the doctor that I hadn't been staying on my diet which prompted a gentle but firm scolding by my doctor. Well, it was fun eating what I pleased for a while.Anyway, the doctor increased the dosage of my Lipitor prescription. Also, my blood pressure was a little high and she also increased the dosage of one of the three medicines I take for that ailment.
I go back in two months and I think I had better have a good report or I will get a more firm lecture.

See you next time.


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