Tuesday, April 14, 2009



To me this region's greatest assets are the definite four seasons we can expect each year. Often I hear people express desire to live year-round in a tropical climate. Now, our sister state, Florida, has much to offer. But, after living in coastal towns in that state for some four years, I found myself bored with the monotonous climate and scenery.

I have friends and relatives who live in Florida and who never seem to tire of the sun and sand. And, maybe my attitude is due to having been born and reared in mountain country. But, when it's autumn, I want colored leaves and a crisp snap in the air. And in winter I want at least a little snow. Then, in the spring I enjoy the fresh rebirth of nature. And summers in North Georgia last long enough for me,especially when the temperatures soars into the 90s and higher, they last too long.
Oh, I know I'll be complaining this winter about the winter doldrums and only with the promise of spring time to look forward to.

But, now I'm enjoying spring in all its green glory in spite of the high pollen count that has me sneezing. Yesterday, th pollen count in North Georgia was nearly 2000! I'm taking prescription allergy medicine which gives me some relief.

Another complaint I have about spring is the often severe storms like we had recently when we had a limb blow off a large tree just outside our kitchen windows and land away from the house, thank God! I read in the paper that about 60 trees and limbs were down during that storm which had 40 mile per hour high winds in our county this week. The roaring sound of the strong winds and the swaying of the large trees was scary. We were fortunate that our electric power was not out during the storm.

Son Barry bought us a pretty Impatiens basket for the patio last week. We have good luck with this plant and the large red and white plant will soon look like a big colored ball. Barry has the new plant on the patio now along with the huge pink geranium on the patio. He will take the other plants outside soon. Some of the plants have grown so large, he may need to have a strong friend help him.

Happy Springtime!

See you next time.


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