Thursday, February 12, 2009



My appointment this week with my eye doctor regarding my recent cataract surgery on my right eye brought good news. ( I had the surgery on my left eye a couple of years ago.) After my eye was tested and examined, the doctor said I now have near perfect vision (20/30). I only need glasses to read and a new lens will be ready for me in a few days. I won't need to see the eye doctor again for a year. And, I look forward to reading to my heart's content now. My eye doctor gives his surgical patients pretty green plants. Mine is a small peace lily with a few white blooms. When we came home, son Barry put the new plant in a larger pot with good soil and has been giving it tender, loving care as he does all of our plants, and it has already grown a lot.


My next medical appointment is early next week when I will give blood after fasting for a complete lab work-up ordered by my primary care doctor. When I get the results on the test, I'll know more about the return of my anemia after over a year of iron medicine therapy. Barry did some research on anemia and found elderly people with anemia have twice the risk of experiencing physical decline that can rob them of their independence, according to new research supported by the National Institute on aging. Roughly 13 percent of people over the age of 70 are anemic. meaning that their capacity to carry oxygen in the blood is compromised. As a result, people with anemia feel weak, tired, dizzy or irritable. If not treated, it can force the heart to work harder, leading to more serious consequences.

And, the scary part fr me is that research also found that elderly people with anemia were associated with a 150 percent increase in hospitalization risk and a 200 percent increase of being admitted to a nursing home. Heaven forbid!

The good news is that according to research, that approximately 70 percent anemia in older persons is reversible. That is what I'm praying for me now.


Two viruses or whatever they are seems to have hit most of the population in our area. One is a sore throat with coughing that lasts for weeks and the other is a stomach virus with severe belly cramps. I have had both of them and still have lingering cough. My niece, Charlene, says that the cough seems to have to wear off. A technician at my eye doctor's office said her husband had the cough for five weeks. I hope mine ends soon.

See you next time.


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