Friday, December 19, 2008



For the first time in many years, I won't be cooking a Christmas dinner. As much work as it was to prepare the meals, I enjoyed them. This past Thanksgiving day, Barry helped me cook a big dinner and cleaned up the kitchen after we ate. We used some convenience foods this year that I had previously made from scratch bur we enjoyed them. I asked Barry a couple of weeks ago what we were going to do about Christmas eve dinner. He replied that it was too tiring to prepare the meal just for the two of us. I don't think he ever realized before our Thanksgiving day dinner how much work was involved. Actually, at 81, I guess it's time to let go of some of the things I've always done in the past.

Barry and I have bought gifts for each other. Our family who will be at the dinner and party at my sister, Jeanette's house on Christmas day all drew names recently. So, we each had to be only one gift.

Barry and I still have lingering colds and coughs and are hoping we will feel better Christmas and that we'll have a happy day.
I have been thinking about happiness for several days and I think there is more misconception about the word than any other in our language. One definition that I like is, "Happiness simply is." It isn't a feeling like, joy, bliss, fun. Those who believe it is an emotion often spend a lifetime searching to achieve happiness as though it can be captured by pursuit.
Happiness is a condition of being. It can't be manufactured. It can't be achieved or found. it has no causes. I've decided that it can be a decision on the part of the individual. Is life worth living even while it is less than perfect? Persons I've known who have this happiness don't go into shock when they face difficulty. They assume it will pass, as everything indeed does. They walk on --living the good times and bad -- believing anything is better than being apathetic.

We must either live in direct spontaneous contact with the emerging Now, or live fearfully thinking of tomorrow--in a
world of wishful thinking and endless searching.

Have a happy Christmas.

See you next time.


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