Tuesday, February 03, 2009



I have a large, magnifying make-up mirror that sits on a pedestal on my bathroom vanity. My reflection in it is harsh and unforgiving. For several days after my recent cataract surgery, I thought I really looked awful when I saw my face in the mirror.
Then, I remembered that I was told that the eye that was operated on had previously been tested as legally blind. So, I thought I must now be seeing my real self. And, I remembered when I was a young teenager and my friends and I would hold a hand mirror in our hands and look downward at it. And, it was said that the reflection you saw was how you would look when you grew old. And, to my dismay, I realized that now I really looked like the long ago horrible reflection in the mirror. Oh, well, good looks aren't everything. And, I keep telling myself that over and over....

Over the years, our yard has become a bird sanctuary. My late husband, Ralph, planted small trees in our yard shortly after we moved into our house in 1978. And, now the trees are huge, including two cedar trees in the backyard. Our home made bird feeder has become an all you can eat buffet for flocks of birds. They feel safe near the cedar trees where they can hide in the year long green leaves. Since our next door neighbors have two large cats who have "marked off their territory", the pesky squirrels stay away. Last weekend, son Barry was watching the many species of birds flocking to the feeder. He looked at his birdseed and exclaimed,"The birds have eaten ten pounds of birdseed in a week!" He decided they were getting too greedy and, too, if they became dependent on our seeds,they wouldn't be able to hunt food on their own. So, he is rationing the bird seeds for them
Parts of our area had a light snowfall this week but all we had was much needed rain. Snow is so rare here that it always brings excitement for the children but people who lived here through the Blizzard of '93 still get nervous and some dash to the grocery store for bread and milk. We are prepared now for bad weather, unlike we were in 1993. But. we still wouldn't want another week like that one here in northwest Georgia. We are still having very cold weather and there is the possibility that we will get some of the white stuff again.

Over the years, Barry has bought many gadgets to help me open the lids of bottles and jars,even the"electric lids"off which is great for pickle jars and the like. But, nowadays, many foods have protective seals with tiny tabs. I was having a hard time opening these foods until Barry went went out to the garage and brought back a small pair of pliers which works wonders.

See you next time.


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