Friday, February 20, 2009



I was aggravated for a couple of days this week with a tiny bump on the tip of my tongue. When this happens occasionally I always remember when I was a child and the grown-ups in my world would tease me with the words. "That means you've told a lie." I don't know the origin of the old saying but I passed it down to Barry and he repeats it to me now. This reminded me of hearing my mother say that when the sun shone during a rain shower, it meant, "the devil is beating his wife."
Someday I may research the origins of these old sayings.

I went to my primary care doctor's office this week to give blood for a complete lab work up to try to determine the status of the anemia that seems to have returned, according to a blood count in the doctor's office last week. I have an appointment with the doctor to discuss this matter in about a week. Next week, I have a dental appointment for a cleaning and check up.
If all goes well, I plan to have a hearing test. And then I hope I'll be finished with all the medical stuff for a while. For a couple of months, I have been seeing doctors, etc... and I am getting tired of it.

While I was at the doctor's office for the blood test, I was weighed by a nurse and I have lost six pounds in a few weeks. I think the two viruses I had left me in a weakened condition.
I was glad to lose the weight but I don't want to go through those virus spells again no matter what.

WE had a preview of spring for a short period with warm temperatures and the trees and plants were budding out and my neighbor and friend, Genevelyn's jonquils were in full bloom. Her jonquils and forsythia bushes always bloom before mine do and I don't know why. And, then we had really cold weather and frost returned and it is bitterly cold this morning. So, winter isn't over yet.

I had a freakish accident a few days ago which left my forefinger on my left hand cut about half way down the nail and it is bruised with clotted blood underneath the nail. I am wearing a Band-Aid to try to avoid getting the nail snagged and it might tear off which would be painful. I hope it heals soon.

I have been enjoying the new, "The Marty Stewart Show" featuring traditional country music in the vein of the “Porter Wagoner Show" and “Hee Haw”. The new show airs on Saturday night at 8 pm. on cable RFDTV. Each episode features music by Stewart and his Fabulous Superlatives as well as his wife, Grand Ole Opry star Connie Smith and guests.

See you next time.


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