Monday, May 18, 2009


By Olivene Godfrey

When I saw my doctor last week, she gave me an order--"No more red meat for you." She doesn't want me to eat much pork either.
I can eat chicken, turkey and fish. Fortunately, I like all of those foods. But, no beef will be harder for me to follow.
When my late husband, Ralph, and I were married in 1947, we couldn't afford red meat. But, as soon as we could, we started a tradition that lasted until he became ill,and that was to have steaks every weekend. We had never heard of cholesterol until about 20 years ago when we had lab work. Ralph was a lucky one as his cholesterol was always normal. But, mine was very high and I started taking Lipitor. Later, I started eating oatmeal for breakfast every day and my cholesterol was perfect.
I cut down some on the beef and then my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) became worse. I began to suspect that beef triggered an IBS attack. When Barry and I discussed my recent lab work the doctor gave me the lab report which I didn't fully understand.
My low priced hearing aid doesn't help a lot when I am talking to a soft-voice person. I did hear that she was increasing my Lipitor dosage, I thought she said my cholesterol was a little high but Barry told me later that my cholesterol was still fine. He looked up the info on the lab work and it was highly technical. But, we did hear doctor say there was an inflammation which could be caused by my IBS or allergies. I am taking the Lipitor increased dosage and am giving up beef and I return to doctor's office in two months for more lab work. I hope and pray I will get a clean bill of health then. And, I hope that the no beef order will also stop my IBS pain.

As I write this, we are having a cold spell which Barry and I believe is Blackberry winter although the berries have nearly finished blooming. Here in Northwest Georgia we have various names for the spring cold snaps that only last a couple or so days. Before this cold spell hit us, we had several heavy down pours of rainfall. We are hoping we continue to have rainy days all summer. The raincoat Barry ordered from Amazon for my Mother's day gift arrived last week. And it is exactly what I wanted and has a hood. The fabric is water proof and is maroon with black trim. So, I am all set for rainy days.

See you next time.


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