Monday, February 13, 2006



The past few days have been very cold here in northwest Georgia
with a blanket of snow on the mountains and just a dusting
in the valleys. The weather folks are saying this morning that the snow will be out of here later today with temps in the 60s
by mid-week. But, one forecaster said this morning that we could have more rain and snow this coming weekend. I haven't been outside the house in a couple of weeks and hope the next weekend won't be too bad. And, I am still thinking longingly of spring.

I read in the paper and saw a TV segment about the last telegram that was recently delivered by Western Union after being in business over 100 years. Most of the people interviewed had never received a telegram. I remember that I had received two telegrams in my lifetime and still had them in with other mementos. I got them out and looked at the yellow aged
paper. The first one was sent to my late husband, Ralph, and me on our wedding day. It was dated May 1,1947, and the
delivery boy handed the wire to us as we left the church following our wedding. A friend that was unable to attend sent the telegram to wish us much happiness in our marriage.
I saved the message for sentimental reasons.

The second telegram is dated December 10, 1959, and Ralph and I were living at Treasure Island, FL and I was nine months pregnant. It was my birthday and I was feeling a bit blue and the wire was from my parents wishing me a happy day.

Times change and we have to accept the changes, like no more
telegrams, and it is still a bit sad.

Most of us have "perfect moments" in our lives and sometimes we don't realize it until years later. The other day son Barry was talking about Les Paul's influence on music. Instantly,
I recalled a day long ago when Ralph and I had been married several years. We were on vacation at Panama City, Florida.
We had been strolling on the beach in late afternoon . We stopped at a place on the beach that had a soda fountain and a juke box. While we drank Cokes the sound of Les Paul and Mary Ford's Vio Con Dios filled the air. I think most young people think that the future will always be better no matter how good things are for them at the moment. Ralph and I were young and healthy and had no serious problems. And I knew that summer day that the time and place was perfect and I would never forget it and I never have.

See you next.


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