Monday, November 28, 2005



When son Barry complemented me on our Thanksgiving dinner last week, he reminded me that great chefs have compared cooking a fine meal with conducting a symphony. The cook has to be able to coordinate the meal so that all the food is ready at the same time. I thought of the early years when I was a bride and could only cook chocolate fudge and brownies. My late husband, Ralph, came from a family of big eaters who were used to their mother's superb cooking. So, I bought a cookbook which I still own that I studied as I knew I would have to give myself a quick education in cooking meals.

Ralph was patient with me and we learned to cook the basic dishes together. I had plenty of practice for cooking company meals as we entertained friends and relatives often.

Even when I was young, preparing a large meal was tiring for me. The past year has been a rough one for me and I expected to be tired at the end of Thanksgiving day. But, I was not prepared to be totally exhausted and I didn't feel well for a couple of days. I have decided not to do as much this upcoming Christmas as I have in the past.

The first of last week, Ralph's sister, Agnes, called and said that her brother, Ray, had fallen and broken hip. He will need to go to a re-hab center to learn to walk again. Agnes and I caught up on our families news and it was a good chat despite her bad news. The next day, Joyce' Ray's wife' called and gave me an update on Ray. She is fortunate to have a large family who have been helping her a lot during their bad time.

My sister, Jeanette, who recently had spinal surgery,is recuperating at home now. Barry and I drove over to Dalton
to see her on Sunday. We only stayed a short time at her house as she tires easily and we wanted her to rest.

Our town is growing by leaps and bounds and keeps adding new short order eating places to their list. I was glad to see the new Krystal, the second oldest hamburger chain in the nation.
We haven't eaten there yet as like all new eating places it has been too crowded for us. I remember eating at the old one in Chattanooga when I was a kid. My daddy would stop sometimes and buy a bag of the mini-burgers which I recall cost a nickel a piece back then. Later, when Ralph and I were dating we would stop and buy little Krystal's. A local editor has compared the little burgers with " a little taste of heaven." and I agree and am looking forward to eating at our new Krystal.

See you next time.


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