Sunday, January 22, 2006



As I have written in the past, our yard is a bird sanctuary and over the years we have enjoyed watching a variety of birds that visit us and partake of our seed buffet in the winter months. So, we have been puzzled this year as fewer birds have flocked to the yard.

Last year, we were surprised that a large flock of robins spent the winter with us. We wondered if the mild winter we had last year confused the birds and they didn't realize it was time to fly south. Barry did some research on the Internet and found that seeing robins in winter isn't unusual. The research found that the wintering range of American robins is affected by the weather and natural food supply. And, as long as food is available, the robins are able to withstand quite severe weather.

An interesting finding was that in winter, robins form nomadic flocks, which can range in size from anywhere between 50 birds
in the north to thousands in the south. The flocks break up in the day while foraging and then gather again at night to roost in trees.

So far we here in northwest Georgia have had a mild winter but we haven't seen a single robin. At first, son Barry speculated that no robins indicated we would have a harsh winter but that hasn't happened yet. And, I hope it doesn't.

ABOUT THAT ACCIDENT---In my last column,I wrote about how my balance exercises had helped me avoid anymore falls. A few days later, I experienced an episode similar to two others I've had this past year.

One moment, I was standing at the foot of Barry's bed, folding laundry. In the next instant, I slammed against the bedroom door, nearly knocking the breath out of me, feeling like a giant had slung me at the door. I was aching all over, especially on my left side,but I didn't think any bones were broken, Thank God! I think my feet got tangled in the electric blanket cord but it was out of sight and I don't know how that happened.
My next reaction was anger. Since I was injured seriously last year in a fall, I have tried to be so cautious about avoiding falls.

My body was throbbing and I was shaken all day. I am more calm now but still have some aches and pains. I have taken it easy this weekend, and should be back to normal in a few days.

See you next time.


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