Monday, April 10, 2017


April 10, 2017

By Olivene Godfrey

I am having a IBS attack and not feeling well.  But, I had decided to write a blog on Sunday afternoon and by golly I'm writing it!

I want to tell you about the delicious meals Tam and Barry are preparing for me now that I am on a soft food diet.  They are using our food processor to turn my favorite foods soft enough to eat without worrying about choking.  They even turn chicken breast into a soft consistency.

They know to only prepare foods that are on my IBS diet.  Barry and I remember when I would have an attack and pass out.  We don't want that again.

I want to thank our friends, Larry and Kym for staying with me while Barry goes to the grocery store. You are both dear friends.

I had a visit recently from the Hamilton Health Chaplain, Tommy Deals.  We had a good visit.

I want to ask all of my friends to say a prayer for me this week.  My vital signs are good.  I guess I'm having an old age, ache all over kind of day.  I am still having a lot of trouble sleeping at night which may be a lot of my problem lately.

I am small again, like I was most of my life.  I was retaining fluid so the doctor put me on a water pill.  I also wasn't eating very well for a good while.  Then, I started eating again and now I am beginning to regain my strength.

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (Edited and typed  by Tam.)


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