Friday, August 16, 2013


August 16, 2013

By Olivene Godfrey

Frankly, I'm disappointed in the sales of my novel, "Seasons," on line.  This novel is different than the other novels I wrote during a prolific period in the 1980's.  "Seasons" was the last novel I wrote and I wonder if I broke a rule of mine, "if we try to please everyone, we end up pleasing no one."  I think "Seasons" is a sweet love story but isn't a block buster.

My other novels are more dramatic and I hope will attract more readers when they are released.  Tam has started working on the most controversial novel I've written, which will probably be published under a pen name.

I'm not computer literate but the way I understand it, my paper manuscripts have to be re-typed onto a gadget that transforms the manuscript computer ready for publishing.  Since Tam has only a short time to work on the manuscript, it takes time to get the novel ready for publishing.

My problem is marketing.  If no one is aware of the novel it doesn't get read.  I'm not financially able to spend a lot of money to advertise a book.  So, if any of you have any marketing ideas that you would like to share, I would be grateful to hear about them.

Barry and Tam think it's amusing that I've been reading my novels that haven't been published, and become engrossed with the books as if someone else had written them.  I am also amazed at the time I spent on research in the 80's before the internet made research much easier.

Meanwhile, if you haven't read "Seasons" yet, why not give it a try?  The price is affordable and the novel is short.  Thanks.  Comments always welcome.

See you next time.  (As told to Tam)


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