Wednesday, July 11, 2012


July 11, 2012

By Olivene Godfrey
When I woke up early yesterday, our electric power was off, and my first thought was, "Georgia Power, how could you do this to me when I bragged on you so in my last blog?"  Then, son Barry came to my bedroom with a powerful flashlight and told me we'd had a humdinger of a storm earlier that morning.  I had slept through the storm and then the power came on filling the house with bright light.  Out here in the country, the darkness without lights at night, is jet black and scary.  I realized the power outage was an act of God, and Georgia Power had been on the ball repairing the damage.  So, all is forgiven to Georgia Power.
During our rare wind storm earlier this week, we had some damage to the roof of the house.  The house insurance agency people have been out to inspect it.  Barry had filed a claim and the agent is suppose to call him today.  We are still looking for a reliable roofer.  During the wind storm our power stayed on which was a relief.
We take our power for granted until we don't have it.  Barry and I can't sleep when the power is off at night.  So, we both "sawed logs" last night.
More storms and hot weather are in the forecast for every day this week.  We had two inches of rain during the recent storm.  Our patio plants are thriving in this hot weather.
My neighbor/friend, Genevelyn, and her friend, Troy, paid me a nice visit yesterday while we were waiting for a storm that never came.  Genevelyn is very scared of storms.
I told them about my maternal grandfather who was a Methodist circuit horse back rider when my mother was a child.  He was terrified of storms.  My late mother often talked about his fear.  He would have every family member get out of bed and get dressed when a storm hit them at night.  I find it interesting that he had female family members remove hair pins, as he was afraid lightning would strike the hair pins.
See you next time
(As told to Tam)


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