Tuesday, June 19, 2012


June 19, 2012

By Olivene Godfrey
Yesterday, Tam left the house at her usual time and I settled down in my recliner.  I was thinking about taking a nap when the scary warning of what sounded like all the smoke detectors were chirping.  When the battery needed to be changed, this sound wasn't a new one.  But, I always check to see if I smell or see any smoke in the house.
I forgot that I hadn't been able to leave the den when I was alone.  I was half way down our long hall when I suddenly realized I hadn't grabbed my walker or cane and with no thought of falling.
The loud chirping sound was still going strong.  When I didn't smell or see any smoke, I returned to the den and called Barry.  He thought the battery needed to be replaced and told me to call my neighbor and friend, Genevelyn, which I did, but she wasn't at home.
Since the chirping sound was still sounding like all three of the detectors, I called Barry again.  He told me to call 911, which I did.  Vandals destroyed our house number marker so I gave directions to the 911 dispatcher (we have ordered a new sign now).
Then I sat down to wait for the firemen to arrive.  In the short time it took for them to arrive I prayed and thought it had taken 34 years for our beloved home to develop character.  I also thought of the precious photo albums that we had collected over the years.  I had always felt that the worst thing, except for a family members death, would be to have my house to burn down.
When the nice firemen arrived in the fire truck, they checked the detector in the hall and as it turned out, was the only one that needed a new battery.  They looked around the house and saw no sign of a fire.  Barry had left early from work and removed the detector and noticed the date, which was 10 years ago, and was no longer guaranteed to work.  He checked the other detectors and another one needed to be replaced, too.  So, he ordered the replacements from Amazon.
You need to check the date on the smoke detectors in your house so you can feel safe.  See you next time.
(As told to Tam)


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