Monday, July 30, 2012


July 30, 2012

By Olivene Godfrey
A few days ago, we had a couple of tall, majestic trees cut down.  The tree service man said the trees were partially dead because of the insects that have invaded our area since warm temperature lengthens the growing season.
Call it what you wish, but tens of millions of Americans are now convinced that climate change is real, and our planet is getting hotter.
I've always loved trees and have thought of them as the Cherokee Indians who once roamed our area did.  The Cherokee called a tree "brother" and only took from the trees what was needed.  I love living in the lush green North Georgia mountain land where we still have a lot of trees.
I remember when I attended a dinner and a man seated near me was sounding off about "tree huggers".  He said he would like for our National Park and forests to be cut down and the land paved.  I'm not a violent person, but it was hard for me not to punch the idiot in the nose.
I recently read an article on the internet by Shamus Cooke, who wrote that, "Believing the climate change exist implies you are somewhat aware of the massive consequences to humanity if the global economy doesn't drastically change, and fast".  I agree.
As I write this, I am "under the weather", and hope I'll feel better soon.
Tam will be taking a trip with her family to the Smokies for a few days this week, and I hope they have a great time.  I'll miss her, but I know she needs a holiday.  See you next time.
(As told to Tam)


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