Tuesday, November 27, 2007



Beautiful rains came for two days and a night, refreshing the earth, and bringing our water table up and giving us some relief from our drought here in northwest Georgia. But the fog that accompanied the rains caused traffic problems. Yesterday, son Barry drove us to Dalton to a center for spine and pain medicines. My family doctor had made an appointment for me with the center's doctor for a steroid injection in my right arthritic hip.

People respond differently but the center information says it is impossible to judge the effectiveness until at least a week later. I have had a lot of relief already but have also had a little pain which the center info says is not a cause for alarm. This is due to irritation of the nerve roots by the epidural solution itself.

After we arrived at the center, I had an anxiety attack. I've never been nervous about shots before but was this time.
Barry asked a nurse if he could go in with me when I talked to the doctor as I was very nervous and hard of hearing. His request was granted. So, with Barry's wonderful support, I made it through the morning. I was given a local anesthetic and didn't feel any pain as the doctor gave me the x-ray guided injection in my hip. I did feel some discomfort but not too bad. Afterward, the doctor told me, that I "did good."
When Barry brought me home, I ate a snack and went to bed and rested until time to start supper. I am relieved it is over and look forward to walking normal again.


Our Christmas cactus is in full bloom and is a delight to behold. I bought the plant about 15 years ago and it has always bloomed around Thanksgiving. So, I guess it should be called a Thanksgiving cactus. We are hoping our huge Incredible Poinsettia will have red leaves this Christmas. The plant had a few scarlet leaves last year. Barry brought our huge Ficus tree inside recently and placed it in front of a window where it gets the morning sunlight. Our large humidifier is nearby and so the tree gets humid air blowing on it. And, the plant's changing environment didn't harm the plant and it hasn't dropped a single leaf since being brought inside.


My sister, Jeanette, passed along a helpful hint to me last year which save me time and aggravation every time I get dressed now. I had trouble with fastening buttons of my shirts and blouses with my arthritic hands. Jeanette told me to leave the garments fastened and pull the shirt or blouse over my head, and to continue doing this until all of my garments were washed and fastened.

See you next time.


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