Monday, April 23, 2007



We had splendid weather this past weekend and son Barry and I enjoyed an outing on Sunday. He didn't have to work on Friday and was busy gadding about and doing chores here. The weather was warm enough for him to wash his car and do some yard work too. On Sunday, we ate an early lunch at the Village in Chatsworth and came home a while for me to rest. Then, we went to the mall in Dalton and I got a good haircut at Master Cuts
and we did a little shopping. I enjoyed just being outside in the glorious weather.

We did see a brush fire that was just starting to burn on the high embankment at side of the highway. Several cars and a pickup truck had pulled off the road and perhaps one of them had a fire extinguisher as the fire was out when we returned home, thank goodness! We speculated that a thoughtless person may have tossed a cigarette out of a car window that started the fire.

During the warm spell we had earlier this spring, the leaves of some of the trees were green and lush. Then, the frost and late freeze that hit Northwest Georgia during the Easter season did kill some green leaves and we were worried that our trees wouldn't survived. So, I was relieved to read an article in the local paper that had been released by the Georgia Forestry Commission and a forester, Josh Burnett, said he didn't see any major concern. He says that trees that were healthy before the frost should not be killed. He says that the trees should refoliate and return to their normal state soon. He did say that fruit and mast-producing trees could definitely be damaged and the frost could have damaged the fruiting buds of these trees. And, he said this could lead to a reduction in fruit or acorns that the trees produce.

This past weekend, Barry bought a pretty pink impatient plant to add to our plant family. It has been on the patio since Barry brought it home and he will gradually take the other plants outside. He won't take larger plants until all danger of a frost as they are too heavy to bring back inside The pink geranium
we kept inside all winter and is huge and healthy with buds about to start blooming has been on the patio all weekend
and seems to be adjusting to the cool nights. The Incredible poinsettia will stay inside as we don't dare move it as its leaves are in process of turning red. Some leaves are already a pretty sight. The plants in the garage will be transported to the garage soon. The huge ficus tree is in front of the dining room window and Barry will take it outside soon, too.
I miss being able to work with the plants as I once did but Barry gives the plants tender, loving care. And I enjoy looking at them so much.
QUOTES- "You have arrived if the meeting cannot start until you arrive." Bob Bowen

"Arguing with a fool proves there are two." Voltaire.

See you next time.


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