Saturday, March 03, 2007



With March here,and our jonquils and pear tree in full bloom, I think spring can't be far away. But, I remember that the Blizzard of '93 in northwest Georgia was in the month of March.
Also, I recall a snowfall we had here in April one year. We have pictures in an album of my red tulips sticking up out of the snow. So, I don't feel that cold weather and frost is over until the middle of May. My late husband, Ralph, and I were married May 1, 1947. The weather that day was sunny and beautiful. But, the following week, when we were on an Atlanta honeymoon, we had a cold snap. But, we can look forward to some warm,sunny days ahead of us during March and April.

Son Barry has been doing some spring cleaning the past few weeks and already has things looking pretty and clean. I have mostly observed his cleaning spells. But, last weekend, I decided to clean off my very old bulletin board in my office. I hadn't done that task in years. Some of the newspapers cartoons I had posted on the board were so old, the paper was yellowed and brittle. I tossed them in the wastebasket and I was relentless as I discarded all but the most important clippings and current notes and pictures. Now I can glance at the board and find what I meed.

I have a large filing cabinet that needs cleaning out but would be a big chore and I don't have the energy to do it. Maybe when Barry runs out of things to clean around here, he will decide to tackle that job. I have learned that I have to watch him carefully when he is cleaning or he throws away things I consider important.

A few years ago, we cleaned out all of our closets except one which is crammed full of all sorts of things. And, we have never got around to cleaning it. There is a box of Barry's cute little clothes he wore when he was a baby in the box. The box hasn't been opened in many years and I have no idea what kind of condition the tiny garments are in now. Maybe my curiosity will stir me into action and I will clean that closet this spring.

Did you ever have what seemed to be a unique thought and then one day, you read, or hear, someone else relate the identical thought? That has happened to me several times over the years and I guess that proves there is nothing new under the sun.

Years ago, I was advised that a good motto to live by is, "When in doubt, don't!" I have lived to regret the times I have ignored that advice and each time, I vow not to let it happen again.

I like this quote--"There's two sides to every question unless we're interested in it." --Jack Key, Key Notes, Wesleyan Christian Advocate.

See you next time.


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