Monday, January 22, 2007



I had a freakish accident with my left arm last Friday. Son Barry and I had gone to the mall on a business matter and then we stopped by the Chick-Fil-A for lunch. We took our food to a small table. I was in my wheelchair and Barry was starting to put the brakes on the wheelchair. But, impulsively, I tried to stand up before the brakes were locked. The chair started rolling backward, catching my left arm in a freakish way. Barry got the chair stopped but I couldn't enjoy my chicken sandwich as my arm was aching. It seemed to be sprained and I nursed it all weekend. But, when I got out of bed today, I saw a large bruise on my upper arm.

Coincidentally, I had a similar accident with my right arm a while back and it had a huge bruise. Just resting the arm as much as possible seems to be only thing, except ice packs,which help. Since I had an accident caused by my being too impulsive in 2005 and broke my right shoulder and arm, I have tried to be careful. I guess it's hard for me to accept that I'm not still young and spry.

Awhile back, I wrote about canned fruit being as nutritious as fresh fruit, according to a news item, I read. It has been difficult for me to eat as much fruit as the health experts say we need a day. We eat some fruit every week but Barry isn't a big fruit eater and I can't eat all of the fresh fruits myself. So, Barry and I were delighted to find a Dole product at the grocery store that has a variety of fruits packed in a transparent jar. You can take out a serving of fruit, and put the lid back on jar and keep in the fridge until it is all eaten.

I recently read that a person needs to walk 10,000 steps in a day to lose weight or maintain a perfect weight. Barry claims that he walks that much every day which may explain why he stays so slim and fit.

Do you read the newspaper comic strips? When I was a little girl, my daddy used to read the comics to me. And, I have never stopped reading them. My favorite strips now are For Better Or Worse and Family Circle. I feel as if I know these characters and they seem like real people to me.

See you next time.


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