Saturday, December 16, 2006



A nice looking young man, wearing a gold wedding band and pushing a brand new bicycle,was in line ahead of Barry and me at a K Mart store last week. I thought of the joy a young girl or boy would have this Christmas with that new bike. And, suddenly,
thoughts of a Christmas long ago rushed into my mind.

I was barely six but I wanted a bike more than anything that year. My parents had bought several acres of land on the outskirts of Chattanooga, TN which was considered "in the country" those days. It is now a part of a small city. Mother and Daddy built a nice house and a small barn on the land .
Daddy bought a cow which provided us with milk. He had big vegetable gardens and Mother's green thumb beautified our yard. That memorable Christmas on our "mini farm", Mother and Daddy before the big day talked often about the pony that Santa was going to bring me. But, I would protest, "I don't want a pony. I want a bike!"

As the holiday neared, the tension grew. When I prayed my "Now I lay me down to sleep....." at night, I added that I had been a good girl and please send me a bike. On Christmas morning, I woke up early and woke my parents and my two-year-old twin sisters and we all rushed to the living room. My heart jumped with joy when I saw the beautiful blue and white bike under the tree. I don't think small bikes were made back then and mine was a big one, especially for a tiny girl. But, my new bike was a "girl's bike" which was a good thing as my little legs weren't' long enough to touch the pedals as I sat on the big bike seat. I solved the problem by just not sitting down as I climbed up on the bike that morning.

During the night, snow had fallen and the ground was covered with snow which worried me. But, Daddy and I got bundled up and took the new bike outside. The road in front of our house was made of chert, a form of quartz, and there had been some light traffic that morning and Daddy found a smooth surface and helped me stand on the pedals. He pushed the bike, holding onto it tightly. I was in seventh heaven and suddenly I looked back and saw that Daddy wasn't holding the bike anymore. Yes,
I was soloing! What a thrill that was for a little girl.

And that bike was an important part of my life for the next ten years. I grew into it and Daddy bough a basket for the bike and I ran errands for Mother and drove to my piano teacher's house on Saturday mornings for my weekly lesson. But, when I turned sixteen, I thought I was "too old" for it. So, Daddy repaired the bike and gave it to he twins to ride. I don't know what happened after they out grew it.

Years later, son Barry experienced the same thrill I had that long ago Christmas morning when Santa brought his first bike.
My late husband, Ralph, and I were happy to see Barry's bright eyes dance when he saw the bike. He says now that was the best Christmas he ever had. He rode the bike for years and later bought his own adult bike which he still has.

So, the little boy or girl whose bike will be under a Christmas tree, and their parents, will have a wonderful Christmas.

I wish for each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

See you next time.


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