Wednesday, December 27, 2006



The old man's beard was white and his longish white hair was topped with a Santa Claus hat. He wore denim overalls with a work shirt but he was still the spitting image of the classic Santa pictures. He sat in a rocking chair on the front porch of my doctor's office building. No one else was in sight. Son Barry and I approached the porch and I said in a loud voice,"Look
there's old Santa Claus!" The man flashed a wide smile and his eyes twinkled as he said in a booming voice, "Merry Christmas!"
When we left the building about an hour or so later, the old man was gone.

During the long Christmas weekend, my thoughts turned to the old man on the porch several times. Could he be the real Santa? I imagined. Maybe he was taking a rest break and giving sick folks a lift at at the same time. I mentioned him to Barry on Christmas day and he said, "He may have been the real Santa"
And we will never know....

My holiday weekend was interrupted by a horrendous bout of Irritable Bowel Syndrome which was why we were at the doctor's office. My sister, Jeanette, had sent me a clipping from Parade magazine about a new treatment for IBS which was having good results. I was at my wit's end and ready to try a new treatment.
I asked the doctor to look at the article and she found it interesting and gave me a prescription for the drug that had been used in the study. I have been taking it four days and can already feel some improvement. I will keep you posted and if it works wonders for me as I hope and pray, I will tell you.

Barry and I had Christmas eve dinner here at the house. He helped me and things went smoothly and he liked having the aroma of good food cooking in the air. He missed that when we ate at a restaurant on Thanksgiving day. We were disappointed that the Butterball turkey breast was not like the many others we had in the past. Oh, it was tender and juicy but instead of the traditional one Barry thought he bought, it was a Cajun
style turkey breast. We had never heard of it before and Barry got up from the table and looked at the label and in small letters it was marked Cajun style. In the future, we will double check the labels. I guess it pays to check out even the oldest products labels.

On Christmas day, we went to my sister, Jeanette's house in Dalton for a dinner and family party. The dinner was delicious and exchanging the gifts was fun and her six great-grand children
livened up the place for all of us. Jeanette makes the world's most delicious chocolate fudge and until I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1984, she always gave me a container of the Christmas fudge. Last year, instead of giving the fudge to me, she gave it to Barry and I only ate one piece of it. This year, she gave Barry a container and I have only eaten one piece of it, using all my will power. I hope I can keep my resolution not to gain any weight this holiday season.

Since I had my cataract surgery, I had been wearing drugstore glasses for reading. Barry took me to the eye doctor office to pick up the new glasses a few days ago and I am happy with them. I hope to catch up on the stack of reading material in my office. I can do that on these cold winter days.

See you next time.


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