Monday, April 09, 2007



The Easter weekend here in Northwest Georgia was very cold. But, the sun shone brightly and the recent rains had left the grasses, foliage and trees green and fresh. So, it is a pretty world here now. The interlude of unseasonably warm weather
we had caused some people to plant prematurely flowers and vegetables but I was quite certain we would have an Easter cold snap.

The dogwoods were in full bloom right on time for Easter.
But, I think their blossoms were probably nipped by the frigid weather. Our cold snaps in the spring here traditionally don't last very long and the weather people are saying today that warmer weather will be arriving this week with temps forecast for the 70s by the end of the week.

Despite my allergy problems in the spring, it is still my favorite season.

CORRECTION: In my last column, I wrote that my late husband, Ralph, and son, Barry, had attended a live Elvis performance years ago. For some reason, I omitted including myself as being with them at the concert. There was no way an Elvis fan like myself would have let Ralph and Barry attend the live show without me. I don't know why I didn't catch the error. I do need an editor.

Over the years, I've found the most difficult food stain to remove are those made by tea. So, Barry and I have been delighted that the Whirlpool dishwasher we bought last year, and Cascade,
removes the tea stain not only from ice tea glasses but from our Mr.Coffee iced tea acrylic pitcher and basket.

Since I'm hard of hearing, the TV closed captions are a blessing. And, I don't have to turn up the TV volume real loud now either.


"All people smile in the same language." Christian Atha

"Show me a man who can eat, drink, and be merry,and I'll show you a fat, grinning drunk."- Landan Lee - Parade magazine.

"You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone."- Al Capone

"True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." Dave Tyson Gentry.

See you next time.


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