Monday, March 26, 2007



I had an appointment with my family doctor last week for my six-month check up. We discussed my Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
I told her that the IBS is dominating my life and causing a lot of pain. She has referred me to a specialist for evaluation of my IBS. I will see him in about six weeks. I dread the colon tests which I am sure I will have but good or bad news is preferably to the state I'm in now. I will keep you posted.

Springs arrival in Northwest Georgia followed the three month winter span's driest in the 117 years of record keeping in the Tennessee Vally Authority 7-state region,according to a TVA spokesman. Brush fires on our mountain over the weekend left a cloud of smoke in Chatsworth which is located at the foot of the mountain. Most of the fires begin when residents try to burn debris and they may walk away thinking it is out but it reignites, according to a forest ranger.

We have been having unseasonably dry warm weather the past week which is pleasant but dangerous for our forests. We are hoping
for rain this week. It is just too early for us to have temps in the 80s. I saw a pretty yellow and black butterfly yesterday as it feasted on the yellow blossoms of the gigantic forsythia bushes. Barry mowed our lawn for the first time this year on the weekend and with the work the landscapers did earlier, the yard looks nice and pretty.

My sister, Jeanette, gave me a tip a while back which has saved me time and aggravation in the mornings. My fingers are usually
stiff and it is hard for me to fasten buttons on blouses and shirts. So, Jeanette said she only unbuttons her garments only enough to pull over her head before washing. And, when she gets ready to wear a clean garment, she only has to fasten one or two buttons. I guess that is what sisters are for, to pass along tips.

MORE OF MY FAVORITE QUOTES----- "If I could do only one thing to improve the lot of mankind, what I'd like to be able to do most is to find a new pleasure that people over 40 could enjoy --and still not lose a good night's sleep." Hal Boyle

"A long dispute means that both parties are wrong. " Voltaire

"One of the advantages of being young is that you don't let common sense get in the way of doing things everybody knows is impossible." Franklin P.Jones

See you next time.


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