Monday, June 12, 2006



Last week, I wrote about my good friend and neighbor,
Dorothy Parker. And, it is with great sorrow that I tell you now that she passed away a few days ago. She fell and
broke her hip and died from surgery complications. I
will miss her very much and feel blessed that she was
a friend of mine for 28 years.


This past weekend, I read the family history written
by my good friend and former newspaper colleague, Ruth
Cox. The book, Echoes from Weaver Hill, was recently
published and is fascinating reading. I am impressed
by the extensive research that Ruth did for the book.

Enclosed in the book is a beautifully decorated bookmark
with the following words printed on it in Ruth's
exquisite script--Light overcomes darkness...May we be
the light for someone who is walking in the darkness....
Each historical period that Ruth has recorded is introduced
by a light of the era that Ruth pretends she is holding
as she searches for information about her ancestors.

The setting for the book is in Murray County which is located in northwest Georgia where Cherokee Indians once lived.
I am not a native of the county but have lived here for
43 years. And, the communities and names of people in
the book are familiar to me. So, I found the book
of interest and enjoyed reading it and looking at the
pictures printed throughout the history.

I wish Ruth much success with the book.


My sister, Jeanette, who lives in nearby Dalton, has had
so many tragedies and illnesses in her life that my late
husband often remarked that she must feel like the biblical
Job. After having two serious surgeries during the past
year plus being a caregiver for her husband for 22
years, Jeanette came down with a case of the shingles
a few days ago. She went to the doctor and has been
taking prescription medicine. Since some of the rash
is near one of her eyes, she has an appointment today
with her eye doctor. I hope that she will feel better

On a lighter side, during a phone conversation, I told
Jeanette that son Barry had come home that day with a
box of freshly baked doughnuts but I wouldn't eat
any of them. We spoke briefly of our love for Krispy
Kreme chocolate fudge doughnuts and that we could binge on them
if we weren't careful. I just don't go near them as I
don't trust myself around those goodies.

See you next time.


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