Monday, May 01, 2006

I was awakened about four-thirty last Sunday morning by a loud roar outside. At first, I thought it was a heavy rainfall.
I got up and looked out of a window and the trees were swaying and bending in the strong wind and the night light blinked in my bedroom. I was afraid that a tree would fall on a power line and knock out our electricity. I went to the kitchen about five A.M. and carried a small flashlight in my robe pocket in case of a power failure as it was still dark outside. I was grateful for the tree windbreaker in the front yard as the wind gusts were really throughout the day, we had strong
winds but they finally died down last night. There was a chill in the air which was probably Blackberry winter lingering
for a while.

I didn't go out all day and son Barry went to town to get take out dinners from the Village cafeteria. After reading the papers, I just took it easy all day. I wish I felt rested this morning but I have too many aches and pains for that.

A few years ago, lightning struck one of the beautiful oak trees that my late husband, Ralph, planted 28 years ago in our yard.
The lightning left a deep gash in the trunk of the tree but it looked healthy and we were involved in other things and didn't seek any advice about the tree. This year, I finally called
our county agent and discussed the tree with him. He said most
trees can tolerate lightning strikes well unless they are forked. (We have a forked tree that is still healthy). He said we should keep a close watch on the tree which we will do.

Today ( May 1 )would have been my 59th wedding anniversary
if Ralph had lived. On our 50th anniversary he gave me a gold chain necklace which I wear often now with my gold wedding band on it.

While thinking of the anniversary,I remembered when Ralph and I had been married a few weeks and were living in a cold water flat a few blocks from downtown Dalton. Ralph gave me a ten dollar bill one morning to use to buy groceries for the week. I remember walking along the sidewalk to the grocery store that was about a block from our apartment house. I carried a black patent leather pocketbook that had been part of my wedding
outfit under my arm and I smiled, and thought, " I am a married lady now and am going to the store to buy groceries." It was a new experience for me as I could only cook Brownies and fudge.
I don't remember what I bought and there isn't any telling what we had for supper that night. I do recall that I bought a six pack of 6 ounce Cokes for a quarter plus deposit on the glass bottles. After the first time, we returned the empty bottles.
We only bought one carton a week and were careful about rationing our Coke servings.

See you next time.


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