Sunday, August 07, 2005



Barry's patio tomato plant, Better Boy, is producing tasty and tart tomatoes as only homegrown ones can be. These tomatoes slice beautifully and are juicy and tender and perfect to add to a sandwich or salad or just sliced and served as a side dish at a meal. Although Barry doesn't care for eating tomatoes he enjoys growing them and he gives them plenty of tender, loving care.

Sometimes I think that it's hard to be an optimist since so many bad things have happened to Barry and me within recent years. I start feeling blue and then that old eternal optimist inside me says to me that I have a lot to be grateful for, so, hey, stop whining and get on with your life.

At my age, little pleasures are savored, and are some of the things I look forward to when I get up in the morning, such as watching the sun, in all its glory, rise up over the mountain and sleeping on clean sheets on my bed, that "wake up" taste of chilled orange juice for breakfast, a refreshing, hot shower bath, reading a new magazine or book, looking forward to Sundays when son Barry takes me out to eat lunch at a restaurant of my choice, and much more.

As I write this, we here in northwest Georgia are having a rainy day. The first newspaper column I had published long ago was about rainy days. I asked a number of local residents how they felt about rainy days. Most of the people I interviewed said they enjoyed an occasional rainy day. I don't think they would have liked all the rainy weather we have had this year. At least, the rains keep the temperature down somewhat and everything pretty and green.

The crape myrtle that is a memorial to my mother who died five years ago is in full bloom and is a sight to behold with its red blooms weighing down the limbs of the tree. It's planted just outside of our dining room and we enjoy admiring it while we eat at the table. We think Mother would be proud of the crape myrtle as she worked as a florist for many years and had a green thumb.

See you next time.


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