Tuesday, June 07, 2005



When son, Barry, became ill with the stomach virus that is going around in these parts, I was afraid I would catch the germ from him. And sure enough, it struck me with a vengeance while Barry was recuperating. (Somehow he continued to work but he is healthy and can handle those things better than I can at this time of my life.) I had felt bad for several days and hadn't slept much and then this past weekend, it hit me and I was really under the weather for a while. And then Sunday night, I felt better and went to bed early and slept for ten hours. I still feel weak and my stomach is a bit queasy but I feel a lot better than I did over the weekend. I had read those things can cause serious complications in a diabetic which I am so I worried about that, too. I got up early this morning and felt almost normal and hope we are going to be all right now.

The physical therapist gave me a good work out yesterday which left my arm and shoulder a little sore and I am wondering how I will be able to do the exercises today but somehow I will. While thinking about my broken bones, I recalled an item Barry read somewhere once about the description of growing old. An elderly man was asked by a young man how it felt to be old. The old man replied that it felt like being a young man with something terrible wrong with him. I think that description is priceless as it is so true.

I thought how wonderful it would be if we could grow new body parts when we get old. And then it dawned on me that I am taking medicine now that is supposed to grow, healthy new bones, especially in elderly women who are proned to fall and break bones. The prescription medicine is Actonel which is taken once a week. My doctor gave me a prescription several years ago which I didn't take as the directions were so complicated. Besides, I told myself, I had fallen half a dozen times and hadn't broken any bones.

When the doctor gave me a prescription and a bunch of samples to take, Barry informed me that I was going to take the medicine, period! I was reminded as I often am these days that Barry and I realize and accept that in time the child becomes the parent.
I am fortunate to have such a caring second parent.

Summer seems to have arrived in northwest Georgia finally with hot weather here this week. The AC on our new heat pump has been working fine and so far we are well pleased with it. My plants on the patio are thriving in the hot humid weather. And a tiny bird has built a tiny nest which contains eggs in my huge Christmas cactus plant. And, a toad has taken up residence in my purple plant and the lizards consider my asparagus plant their home. I guess that is what happens when you live in the country.

On a sadder note. My former newspaper colleague and dear friend, Ruth Cox, is very ill in a Dalton hospital. An e-mail from my friend, Genevelyn Hope, last night asked me to pray for her and I have been and ask all of you to say a prayer for this very good person.

My sister, Jeanette, who lives in nearby Dalton, is going to have surgery soon on her arm. She has been a caregiver for her husband for 21 years and has had a number of surgeries. So, say a prayer for her, too.

See you next week.


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