Saturday, March 19, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

For many years I wrote a daily newspaper column plus working as a news reporter and writing feature articles for newspapers and magazines. Occasionally, word would get to me that some readers thought they could write a better column than mine and could fill it with more profound thoughts.

And I agreed that they were probably right, at least some of them. I'm convinced that almost every person has several ideas, pet peeves, etc... that they would like to get off their chests in print. But, I wonder if some of them could continue coming up with columns after they finish the ones they have had inside them so long.

There are some people who do come up with interesting daily columns year after year. But many readers who are the most critical would run out of steam pretty soon. Believe me, after a few weeks of writing daily columns you find that you have written about almost every experience and ideas you've ever had.

After you've written daily columns for several years there are few new subjects that you haven't covered. So, you try to think of some of the same subjects from different angles and you read everything that you can find for new ideas and you listen to everything people say to you, hoping for a column idea. There is no finishing the job as there are always next week's deadlines.

So why do writers do it? There are probably several reasons for each columnist. For instance, for me it was always the challenge to see if I could meet each week's deadlines and no matter what happened to me I never missed a deadline. Then you
become somewhat of a habit for some readers. They, your loyal readers, stick with you during your dull days. And you feel an obligation not to let them down.

But, to be honest, basically it's sheer egoism. I realize it's not "nice" to say one writes to become well known, to enjoy recognition of one's work, but what writer becomes bored with seeing his work in print and especially the byline. We really don't care if you agree with what we say or not as long as you read what we have written. In fact, often the most hostile readers are the most devoted and they never miss a word you write so they can rip you apart. We know you are there if no one else is and you can also keep us on our toes.

Criticism is a part of the job and you have to learn to roll with the punches as the worst punishment for a writer is to be ignored.
See you next time.


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