Sunday, January 23, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

I've known some people who preferred their nicknames to their real names. But, when you have a name like my first name and you are, as a child, called such things as "Olive-Oil" you aren't likely to be happy with nicknames.

Other people acquire nicknames because a younger child has trouble pronouncing a word or name. My name has always given the children in my family trouble, so, for many years I was called, "Ah,cum".

Many prominent people, especially U.S Presidents, are often given a nickname consisting of the initials of his other names, such as FDR, for Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

For many years, especially in the American South, calling children by their first two initials, such as J.D., was a common practice. This custom seems to have died out.

I suppose the only asset for persons with unusual names, like mine, is that you can be assured people will remember your name, even if they can't pronounce it.


The past week hasn't been pleasant at our house. I was under the weather and in pain for most of the week. I think our cold weather didn't help my feelings any either. Then, son, Barry, had his lower, left wisdom tooth removed surgically Thursday morning and took it easy for a couple of days and still doesn't feel chipper yet. We are both feeling better today though.

While being confined to the house most of the week, I have been listening to some music on the stereo. I enjoyed listening to an oldie CD by the Mavericks "What a Crying Shame." and if Country Radio played more records like this one, I might listen to the stations again. I detest what is called New Country which is, in reality, soft pop music.

I used to listen to the radio every minute I was in my car. Today, I remembered an afternoon in the 1950s when I was driving home after work and a song came on the air that perked up my ears and sent a thrill through me. The name of the new song was Heartbreak Hotel and the next day during my lunch hour I went to the record store where I hung out a lot, searching through stacks of obscure blues 78-rpm records, which I collected. (I wish I had saved them now.) I also bought the latest pop records. That day, I bought the Heartbreak Hotel record and discussed it with the owner of the store. She only knew the singer had the odd name of Elvis Presley but shortly after that day, the entire world knew who Elvis was. And an Elvis concert I attended in the 1970s was the most exciting live performance I have ever seen.

More about our weather. I know it doesn't compare with the weather up north, but it was in the teens this morning with a brisk wind and now at mid-afternoon it is 25 degrees and that is too dang cold for me. I am eagerly waiting for spring and Barry is planning to raise tomatoes and perhaps other vegetables in containers as he did so successfully last year. And he just about has his fishing tackle box organized so we are hoping to eat fresh fish in the spring, too.

See you next time.


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