Wednesday, January 05, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

I gave Barry a super-large, fancy fishing tackle box for Christmas. He says the box is actually seven small boxes in one. He plans to fish for fresh water bass this spring. I hope he has luck as my mouth is watering for that delicacy.

My late husband, Ralph, was an avid fisherman and an expert at catching fish. Barry is planning to transfer all of the fishing lures, etc.... from Ralph's smaller boxes to his new large one. Barry also owns a lot of fishing gear and will get it organized on the coming winter days.

Thinking of Barry's fishing plans evoked memories of the days when Ralph was young and healthy and he and my sister, Jeanette's husband, Charles Cooper, often went fishing together and they could be depended upon to bring home buckets of fish which we would enjoy eating. We all lived in Dalton, GA at that time
And would often spend a weekend day at a nearby lake having fun in the sun and water and eating picnic lunches. We would wear our swimsuits underneath our shirts and shorts and it is a happy memory for me. (The men would often water ski but Jeanette and I gave up on that after a disastrous beginning.)

Later, when Ralph and I lived in Florida (before Barry was born), Ralph continued to fish often. His sister, Agnes, and her husband, Alvin, lived in Florida near us and owned a boat. And, we had a lot of fun those years, cooking on the beach and just enjoying the Florida years in our younger days.


Have you noticed that the word, "nice" seems to have fallen into disrepute in some quarters and seems to imply a colorless, middle-of-the road virtue without much force. The definition of nice in my dictionary includes,” pleasing and agreeable", which are certainly admirable human traits. So, it would seem that to be thought of as nice would be a compliment.

Perhaps the word may have fallen into disrepute because some people who appear to be nice aren't sincere. But, when you think of sincere, nice people aren't they happy and pleasant people?
Most of us love our friends even though they aren't perfect. We believe the good outweighs the bad.

Sometimes you wonder how you can see any good in some people.
But, if you can see past their worries, fears, errors, and troubles, you can see them, as they would be if they were expressing the good they surely have within them. We don't have to like all that such people do or say, but if we make an effort to find even a spark of good in them, it might be a rewarding experience, and what do we have to lose?

See you next time.


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