Saturday, December 04, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

During a telephone conversation yesterday, my sister, Jeanette, and I were discussing the Christmas holidays and she said that as we grow older, the time flies by, and the season seems to arrive in no time each year now. And, we talked a while about how the holidays aren't just the same anymore since we have lost so many of our family members to death the past few years and there is a sadness for us as our circle has been broken.

This year, as we have for several years, son Barry and I will go to Jeanette's house in nearby Dalton, GA for Christmas dinner and the exchanging of gifts with the family members who live in this area. The guests will all bring food so we will have a good dinner. Jeanette has six young great-grandchildren who will liven up the day for all of us.

I will try not to eat too much dinner, which brings me to some good news I received last week. Last Thursday, I had an appointment with my family doctor for a three-month checkup on my diabetes. When I was diagnosed with diabetes the last of August I was frightened and on Sept 4th I went on a diet of no potatoes and no sugar. And, my exciting news is that I have lost 16 pounds since I started on the diet and I haven't felt the least bit deprived as there are so many new sugar free products on the market that satisfy my sweet tooth. I do miss potatoes but not so much that I will go off my diet to eat them

I also had a dental appointment on Tuesday for cleaning and a check up. I have invested a fortune in my teeth over the years and you better believe I take good care of them. In fact, the hygienist said I did such a good job; I don't have to go back for checkup and cleaning until August, which was good news.

I told you last week that Barry had cleaned up the sun burst clock I have had for over 40 years, which quit running last weekend. He went to K Mart and bought a cheap wall clock and replaced the old clock's inner workings with the new one and presto! A like new sunburst clock works and looks pretty and shiny on the redwood wall of the den.

Everyone who knows Barry agrees that he fits the old adage of, if he can't fix it, it can't be fixed. He inherited that ability from his dad, Ralph. Unfortunately, he also inherited Ralph's singing voice. I mean, he can't carry a tune but that doesn't stop Barry from going around the house singing loudly the silly little songs he composes as he goes along. He does have volume, I will admit. And, in all fairness, he sounds as good, if not better, than many of today's young top recording artists.


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