Tuesday, October 12, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

Two weeks ago, I saw my doctor for a serious bladder infection and she considered admitting me to the hospital. But I "doctored" myself at home, with son Barry's help. And, yesterday I saw the doctor for a follow-up visit and received a clean bill of health, Thank God.

I also received good news. On September 4th, I started a diet to help control a blood-sugar problem. And, according to the doctor's scales, I have lost nine pounds. If I can continue to lose, I may be able to wear some of my old, small sized, 1970s clothes, which are back in style again.

Basically, my diet consists of cutting out all sugar and potatoes and limiting amount of bread I eat. Except for those things, I eat most other foods. It is a diet I can live with rest of my life, which is the only kind I can stick with for over a few weeks. I have always had a sweet tooth and there are so many delicious substitute sugar products on the market that I can easily satisfy my sweet tooth and still keep my blood-sugar tests normal.

SUNRISES-- I have been watching our gorgeous sunrises as the sun comes up over our mountains. And, as always, I thank God for giving me the vision to see such beauty from my front windows.

Barry has done a lot of cleaning and home improvement projects the past few months & some much needed cleaning in my office. He removed an old couch and took landfill and packed away a stereo that I rarely listened to and created an open space in the office I needed. We still have more work to do in the office, such as cleaning out an old large filing cabinet, but it is good to have projects during the winter.

SMALL KINDESSES-- All of us know that if it were not for the little kindnesses, the helping hands that we receive from those who touch our lives daily, we would fall more often and much harder.

A few years ago there was a delightful story in the news about a man, who at that time was in his 70s. This man credited his youthful looks to his veteran yardman.

It seems that the yardman didn't do a great deal of work. But, his employer said he was a good laugher. And, the elderly gentleman would sit around his house and tell the yardman jokes and he would laugh at them. But, the nicest thing about it was that the yardman would forget a joke in a week (or, so it would appear to his boss), and the elderly man could tell the joke again to him.

It's a lucky person who has something to give his fellowmen and also the ability to receive it. Such a person has faith in good and peace of mind when he thinks not how lucky he is, but how blessed.

See you next week.


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