Monday, August 16, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

The other day I read, "You shouldn't worry if you don't feel good all the time." Well, that's fine, I thought, since at the time I was feeling blah, you know, not anything particularly wrong, just not a fit and healthy feeling.

Age is supposed to bring you wisdom. And, if you aren't the brightest person in the world if you live long enough you have to learn some things. I've learned that from time to time I do have certain ailments and aches and pains but now I just grin and bear it.

The article that said we shouldn't worry if we don't feel so great that nobody feels good all the time. Everybody has his blah periods when he gets more tired than usual and is annoyed and irritated by unclassified aches and pains.

This doesn't mean that unusual symptoms shouldn't be reported to your doctor. But, to be overly concerned by every variety of aches and pains serves little purpose except to guarantee your standing as a hypochondriac. I imagine the waiting rooms of many doctors wouldn't be so crowded if we accepted the fact that there will be times when for no apparent reason we just aren't going to feel well.

I have always had regular medical check-ups. The difference in recent years is that all of my aches and pains aren't imagined anymore. I have real ailments these days. I have an appointment for my yearly physical in the morning. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I don't have any new ailments and that my old ones aren't any worse.

See you next time.


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