Wednesday, July 14, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

I believe it was the late Hal Boyle who once described memory as a walking dream. And, memories do have rose-colored glasses.

Most of us don't need our memories on sunshiny days when life is beautiful and happy. But, sometimes memories are a great comfort when skies are gray, the rains come, and aches afflict our heart and bones. Small things here and there may remind us of a place or a person who has played a special part of our lives.

Memory softens the harsh reality of yesterday, bringing back the best and glossing over the worst that has happened to us.
Memory is often able to soften or erase the hurts we knew and casts a magical glow around them. It takes just a whiff of memory to carry us all the way back to another time or place.

We've all heard that, " you can't go home again", and since everything changes with time so little remains recognizable to us. And, perhaps we begin to think that those sacred places weren't so wonderful after all. But, of course they were. In their time and place it was as it should have been, happy and meaningful. It's been said that a little bit of every place and person goes with us throughout our lives.

We haven't really lost anyone or anything but it is the combination of all that we've lived and learned that builds our character and teaches us the way of life. Most of us wants to go forward, to try new things, visit new places. and live life to its fullest. Yet, on some days it's nice to remember the past, the loving faces and happy times we knew.

Sometimes it seems necessary to stop and consider where we are and why we are there. If we are enjoying success, or if we are suffering from failures or wavering in the middle of the road, we're where we are because of someone or something special. Most people can pinpoint a time in their lives when there was a turning point, either good or a change for the worst.
But the personal self is the one basic factor who turns us one way or the other. We're born with the right to choose, the only living creatures with that right. And, whatever we choose, there will always be someone there to help us to be good or to be bad. There will be those who will encourage us or discourage us, often in ignorance, not realizing the effect of their words on us. But, when we are discouraged, we need to remember that theirs is only an opinion, and to muster the strength to hold onto worthwhile plans and dreams.

See you next time.


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