Saturday, November 27, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

This is being written on a cold and rainy Saturday after Thanksgiving Day. Barry and I are recuperating from colds that are going around this part of the country and are causing a lot of misery. So, we are staying at home today after a pretty hectic week.

Even though I was dragging around with the nasty cold I was preparing for our Thanksgiving Day dinner last week. It was our third Thanksgiving Day dinner without my husband and Barry's dad so we felt a bit sad, too. We had a small turkey breast roast and all the trimmings. I only cooked enough this year for our dinner plus leftovers that night for Barry. The Godfrey men are famous for being big eaters and Barry is one of the champion eaters but comes in second to his cousin, Brian Nichols, who we watched devour a pan of biscuits his mother, Agnes, had prepared for his supper. Our dinner was delicious even if I cooked it myself. And, Barry said, after dinner, "That is how a Thanksgiving Day dinner should be,” which made all of my hard work on the dinner worthwhile.

As I looked out my bedroom window one day last week, I was thankful for the spectacular view, which is constantly changing. I saw a wondrous sight as the sky was rosy and deep blue, shot with golden ray of the sun coming up over the mountain and was reflected in the lake that adjoins our property with the mountain range silhouette just beyond.

Most of our autumn colored leaves of the trees blew off last week when we had violent storms that dumped six inches of rain on us and caused some flooding. Since we live atop a hill, we don't have to worry about flooding but we don't need more rain but more is forecast for next week. I have a dental appointment Tuesday and a doctor appointment on Thursday so I am hoping the weather will be nice those days.

Back in the late 1950s, I got a sun burst electric wall clock with grocery store coupons. I have always loved it and over the years it has hung on our walls. It has been on the wall here in our house the 26 years we have lived here and only today did it just die and quit working. Barry took it apart and cleaned up the clock, which is mostly made of metal. He is going to buy
The inner working of a clock and see if it will run again. I had a large, pretty kitchen wall clock that hadn't worked in years and about a year ago he replaced it's inner workings and it is running just fine now.

See you next time.


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